Jerusalem Marathon Registration Step 1 of 5 20% Personal InfoName* First Last Birthdate*Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Month123456789101112Year20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Gender*Choose your genderMaleFemalePhone*Email* What school are you in? (if applicable)Teudat Zehut/Passport NumberHow did you hear about us?*- Select -Jerusalem MarathonGoogle searchFacebookFriendOther Emergency ContactName*Relationship*Phone*Contact's Email* Runner's InfoMarathon*- Select -Full MarathonHalf Marathon10K5KT-shirt size*- Select -SMLXLXXLDo you have allergies? If yes, please specify. WaiverThis waiver must be read and agreed to in order to register and participate. This Waiver and Recommitment Form (this "Waiver") must be read and agreed to in order to register and participate in the Jerusalem Marathon. I wish to participate in the Team Ha'or Shebi program to help raise awareness and funds in support of Ha'or Shebi and its valuable mission of inspiring, empowering and educating our youth to lead a life of kindness. I understand that while training for and participating in this event, I will be using public streets and facilities where many hazards exist and I am aware of and understand the risks that may result. I am also aware that accidents may occur during this event or during the training for this event, which could result in serious injury or death. I am voluntarily participating in this event and in the training for this event with knowledge of the dangers involved and I agree to accept all risks of injury or death arising out of or relating to training for or participating in this event. I have assumed responsibility to raise the minimum fundraising requirement for the event I have selected through Team Ha'or Shebi. I agree to collect funds from sponsors and individual donors for my participation in this event that will be donated to Ha'or Shebi. Any checks received will be made payable to Ha'or Shebi, with reference to my name and the Team Ha'or Shebi event. By signing this Waiver I am recommitting to training and raising the minimum funds for participation in Team Ha'or Shebi. I agree to raise the minimum funds for the selected event or to provide them on my own either via credit card or personal check. I hereby acknowledge and agree that my fundraising commitment will be met by March 1, 2020. I am aware that if for any reason I am not able to participate in the event, I will still be committed to raising the fundraising minimum established for the event on or before such date. I understand that all donations processed by Ha'or Shebi/Life Vest Inside are non-refundable and non-transferable even if I do not participate in the event for any reason. In consideration for being permitted to participate in this event to support Ha'or Shebi, I hereby absolutely, unconditionally and irrevocably release, forever discharge, hold harmless and covenant not to sue Ha'or Shebi, The Life Vest Inside, Team Ha'or Shebi team members or captain(s), and any designated beneficiaries, sponsors, officials, participating clubs, communities, organizations, friends of the event, including, without limitation, the event medical sponsor, the medical director, and members of the medical team, and all other government or public entities including, but not limited to, the Department of Transportation and affiliated organizations and all their respective past, present or future directors, officers, agents, employees, affiliates, representatives and members (collectively, "the releasees"), from and with respect to any and all claims, dues and demands, proceedings, causes of action, orders, obligations, losses or liabilities of any kind whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, both at law and in equity, which I now have, have ever had or may hereafter have against the respective releasees arising out of or relating to my participation in and/or training for the event, including, without limitation, bodily injury, death or property damage, whether caused by the negligence or carelessness on the part of any of the releasees, by any dangerous or defective property or equipment owned, maintained or controlled by any of the releasees, or otherwise (collectively, the "Released Claims"). By signing this Waiver, I intend in advance to waive any rights I may have or that may hereafter accrue to me with respect to any Released Claims. I understand and agree that this Waiver is binding on my heirs, successors and assigns and legal representatives. I am physically capable of training for and completing this event. If I am aware of or under treatment for any physical infirmity, ailment or illness, my medical care provider knows of and has approved my training for and participation in this event. I will maintain personal health insurance while training for and participating in the event. I acknowledge that I, and I alone, am entirely responsible for my personal health and safety, and the personal property I bring with me to the event. I understand that my name, photograph, voice or likeness may be used by Ha'or Shebi, Team Ha'or Shebi, and their sponsors, beneficiaries, licensees, affiliates and employees. I hereby consent to and authorize, in advance, such use and waive any rights of privacy I may have in connection therewith, and I understand that I will not receive any financial remuneration in connection with any use thereof.Agree* I agree to the above waiver Media ReleasePlease complete this form to give us permission to take photos/videos of you and/or your children when you participate in Ha’or Shebi and Life Vest Inside events and to use those photos/videos in our printed and online publicity: 1. I hereby authorize Life Vest Inside, Ha’or Shebi, and its affiliates, employees and agents, (together, “Life Vest Insidei”) to take photographs and/or video of me (or my child) when I (or my child) participate at Life Vest Inside events. I grant Life Vest Inside full rights to use and share the images resulting from the photographs and/or videos and any reproductions thereof (the “Recording”), in whole or in part, along with my (or my child’s) name, biographical information and quotations for any purpose including fundraising, publicity, advertising, or on social media, all without further obligation or compensation. I hereby waive any right of review or approval regarding the Recording and the Life Vest Inside shall have the right to edit or delete the Recording in its sole discretion. I understand that all rights in and to the Recording shall be the Life Vest Inside’s sole and absolute property. I release and forever discharge the Life Vest Inside from all causes of action, suits, or liability of any kind arising from or in connection with the use or publication of any Recording of me or my child made in connection with my participation in Life Vest Inside events. I waive any right of privacy associated with the Recording and I waive any right to compensation related to the use of the Recording. 2. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT AND AM FULLY AWARE OF ITS CONTENTS, INCLUDING THE RELEASE THAT I HAVE AGREED TO HEREIN. 3. I warrant that I am at least eighteen years of age (or, if not, that my parent or legal guardian has agreed to the foregoing and signed below) and that I have the full and unrestricted authority to enter into a contract for myself (or, if not, that my parent or legal guardian has agreed to the foregoing and signed below). 4. If any provision of this agreement is held to be unenforceable, the remainder of it shall continue to be in full force and effect.Agree* I agree to the above media release Billing InformationThe registration fee is non-refundable and is not transferrable.Registration* Price: ₪ 500.00 Credit Card* Card Details Cardholder Name This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.